Friday, August 1, 2014

Welcome August!

It is officially August! That's ridiculous isn't it? I mean, we have already welcomed and said farewell to seven months this year!
August is a big month for my little caterpillars. The new school year starts on August 25th! I am a ball of excitement and nervousness as the date approaches.
 I am excited for the fun and new experiences. Charlie loves school. He asks all the time if we can "do school". It makes me so happy that he has a love for learning. I have so many ideas for this school year and I am so excited to get them all done!
Of course, as excited as I am, I am also extremely nervous. Adding Camber this year has got me a little concerned, honestly. She is in the wonderful into everything toddler stage! While I think it's wonderful, it is also a problem sometimes. I am starting her in tot school this year with a lot of sensory play. But sensory play usually translates to messy play. While I'm sure she'll love dumping dry rice all over the floor; cleaning that mess is not on my list of fun ways to spend the afternoon. But, before long she'll be sitting in her little desk next to her brother and these tot school times will be fond memories of the past.
 The other thing that makes me nervous is splitting the attention between the two. I'm sure my training in teaching preschool will come flooding back on day one but right now I worry about covering all material for both of them. Lucky for me Mr. Butterfly is off work on Mondays so we'll be teaming up in the school room on Mondays!
I hope to get a post up soon with a school room tour. I don't have an empty room in the house to dedicate for a school room so it's a combination dining/ school room. I actually love having the dining table to utilize for larger projects though!
I'm still working on lesson planning. I've got the first few weeks done. I think I'll stop there for now to test everything out. If the way I've planned things is working for us then I'll continue on. If not, I'll change things up. That's the beautiful thing about homeschooling! You get to teach based on your individual child, not broad guidelines that may not work for every child.
Overall the excitement far outweighs the nervousness. I know all the planning and work that goes into homeschooling is beyond worth it. It's definitely not for everyone, but it's for us. Helping my little caterpillars learn and grow into beautiful butterflies is what this parenting journey is all about!

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